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Investing in your 20s ?

Investing in your 20s ?

Table of Content

1.Save money as you can :

As The topic comes of Investing many people avoid Themself by saying that, I Don’t Earn so I Don’t Invest. I Hope every Month you are Get Pocket Money, Right. So Some Portion it. You have to save. Stop doing UnWanted Expenditure, If you cant then start to Reduce It Month by Month. It Will help you to Save Money As well as you can Invest that Money.

2.Don’t buy bikes and cars (if you want to purchase then purchase second hand):

Nowadays we all are getting very strictly Bonded with time. So we Prefer to have a Personal Bike or Car. The best way to solve this problem is to Book A Cab or Bike Rider, This thing is now getting Popular Day by Day. But if You think you won it then whenever wherever whatever you can do with it. So if you want to purchase then purchase second hand, it will help to your pocket. You can have your new bikes and cars if you are setting on the peak of your finances then you can go with it.

3.Stay away from debt, loans, credit:

Debt, Loan, Credit Card; these 3 things are very Dangerous financial Enemies of our Youth. Do take a Personal Loan or any kind of loan if it is not very important, especially when you are a Student. Same with Credit Card.

4.Health insurance:

Again very Important But many people & Youth are Ignoring it. Especially it is very important in the period of This kind of Pandemics. As a youth, if assume if something is Happened to you (May God Keep you Well) But if you needed to hospitalized then you know how the bills come Right. So Plz make sure to have Health insurance for you & your Family Along with your Term Insurance. It Will Helps your Family & You.

5.Invest in the stock market (invest in those products which u use in daily life):

As a Student, you have to do this by Investing not Trading. One of the major benefits of investing in the stock market is that investors get the chance to earn more money Over time if the stock market rises in value, the prices of a particular stock can rise or fall. However, investors who have put their money in stable companies will see profit growth. If you Don’t have the time to make Research then Invest in those products which u use in your daily life.

6.Managing portfolio:

As Now I am Assuming that you are 18+ then make sure to manage your Portfolio by yourself. Because when you invest & after some time you will forget it. So Managing a portfolio is Important.


So, why is budgeting important? In short, budgeting is important because it helps you control your spending, track your expenses, and save more money. Additionally, budgeting can help you make better financial decisions, prepare for emergencies, get out of debt, and stay focused on your long-term financial goals.

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Date : 02/04/2024